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About Me!

I am a mother of two teenage girls and both are soon to be in college. In their younger years, I planned and threw some really amazing parties for them. It was a wonderful and creative outlet for me. Some of the parties took months to plan and setup. Much to my husband’s chagrin, I would take over our two-car garage and com​pletely transform it into a different world. Unfortunately for me, as the they got older, it wasn’t cool to have these parties and my girls were needing me less and less. I really didn’t know what to do with myself. I have always loved having animals around me and can’t remember a time when I was without at least one. So as my daughters needed me less, my animal herd grew bigger and bigger and more of our land was converted into bigger enclosures for them. My wonderful husband built them cute houses and my girls helped paint them. I call it "The Village". It is a truly magical place. One day I was buying a few chickens from a gal and shared with her this story you just read. She suggested I combined the two things I loved doing into a business. I literally started jumping up and down while clapping and saying “YES! YES! YES! That's what I want to do!” So now, this is my little business and I look forward to sharing my JOY with you! 

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